Papá Wrestling
Papá Wrestling (2009)

Papá Wrestling

(36 选票)




In the midst of the current concern about kids bullying other kids (highlighted by the 12-year-old in Florida who committed suicide after being "cyber"-bullied) we have this Portuguese short inviting us not only not to take it too seriously but to channel it into the ultimate cranked up revenge fantasy. In this case a dorky kid has his lunch stolen by punks who stuff him into a toilet to boot he goes home to complain to his dad, who's pumping iron wearing a full pro wrestling costume including "luchador" mask.

Grande! Que!

The premise of the story is simple enough. A bit of a nerd is about to eat his lunch which looks like it has been prepared by a very caring mother gets his food and lunch box stolen by a bunch of bullies.

One thing is for sure: You won't see that sort of wrestling on your TV screens (in the WWE or any other organization that is)! Seriously though, this little movie that could is great fun.

I work at a certain large retail store in central London. I found this slipped into the 'World Cinema' section.

Many schools these days operate a zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying, but stop short of tearing the little barstewards limb from limb (liberal minded namby-pambies!).
